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Family Single Student Plan

With our Family Single Student Plan, you are in control of your education savings. You can scale your contributions to suit your needs and gain access to the best withdrawal strategies – all designed to help you get the most out of your savings. We manage this plan to help you realize the goals you have for your child’s post secondary education.

A cheerful young boy with short curly hair, wearing a yellow long-sleeve shirt, smiling and playfully gesturing thumbs up with both hands

Already have an account?

We’re always here to help with anything you need to know about your plan.

Icon of a graduation cap represted by a cream square sitting on top of a light cylinder, sitting on top of a closed blue book.


Risk Rating

Icon of a dark blue curved line and light blue circle

40% | 60%

Target Equity to Fixed Income Asset Allocation

*An all-in, consolidated Management Fee of no greater than 1% per year.

Icon of an open book with cover dark blue and open pages lime green and cream.

$5.52 Billion

Assets Under Management*

*All values as of December 31, 2022

See if the Embark Student Plan is Right for You

You may be eligible to transfer into the Embark Student Plan, which offers additional education savings benefits.

A hand holding a smartphone displaying the "Embark Student Plan". The screen shows details of an "education savings" plan with a goal to collect $800 monthly, targeting $120,000

Guiding Your Education Success

Embark is owned by a not-for-profit organization. This means that all profits that aren’t used to run the business go into the Embark Student Foundation. We use these funds to provide additional financial awards that help students realize their full potential. We’ve awarded almost $57 million to families and students across the country to help with their education savings.

A young woman with curly hair smiles while holding textbooks and wearing a yellow t-shirt and denim jeans, carrying a blue backpack over one shoulder as she heads to her post-secondary education classes.