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The Vote Passed!

85% of all Flex First votes were cast in favour of transferring to the Embark Student Plan. All Flex First Plans will now be moved to the Embark Student Plan.

Young adult woman wearing glasses, smiling and holding a pencil

Learn More About What You’ll Get Through The Transfer

We strongly believe upgrading to the Embark Student Plan is in your best interest. With it, you’ll get more tools, more insights and a tailored investment strategy to help you plan, save and use your RESP. However, don’t just take our word for it. Learn more about the vote and what you’ll get by reviewing these three important documents:

Pay Less For More

As part of the vote, you’ll receive a lifetime management fee rebate of 1.16%.

This means you’ll get all of the amazing benefits of the new plan for 0.49%, which is far lower than the 1.49% you currently pay for your Flex First Plan. The best news is, you’ll also receive this reduction for any additional funds you contribute or transfer into your plan moving forward!

A young girl with braided hair, smiling, holding books about post-secondary education planning and wearing a backpack, standing against a green background.

All About Your New Embark Student Plan

Make Sure Your Info’s Up-To-Date

To get the most out of the transfer, be sure to review and confirm the personal information you have with us. This includes:
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It’s Important To Remember

That you will either be transferred into the Embark Student Plan or Embark Select Conservative Plan based upon your risk tolerance. Please call us to make sure it’s up-to-date as part of your KYC info.

Commonly Asked Questions

Have a Question? Reach Out!

If you have any questions about the vote or what it means to you, please don’t hesitate to reach out.